A note from the Gallerist:

The Museum Of The Unsaid was made in response to the question “What is the shortest conversation ever?”

The answer came in a series of poetic everyday moments that are testaments to the way we love and are loved by others. The shortest conversations are the ones that don’t even need to happen because the answers are already known. The shortest conversations come from those telekinetic powers that are gained after knowing someone so deeply that love becomes instinct. This is dedicated to the people in my life that I get to share those special powers with. Thank you for your love and for keeping me inspired.


Alene 💚

“To be loved but not known is superficial. To be known but not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is what we need more than anything.” Timothy Keller

All images in this museum were either made with AI or sourced from my camera roll.