Music Production For WOmen (MPW)

social media Posts

Highlights and Key stats Overview:

(across 11 posts created)

  • Content That Drives Action 🚀

    Audience Growth & Profile Actions – Posts drove 476+ profile visits and 105+ new followers, successfully funneling people into learning more about MPW’s work.

  • Organic Audience Expansion 🔭

    High Non-Follower Reach – Nearly one-fourth (24.3%) of all reach came from non-followers, showing strong discoverability and content appeal.

  • Posts Worth Engaging With 👾

    Strong Share & Save Rates – High numbers of saves (750+ total) and shares (550+ total) indicate content is valuable and worth revisiting or spreading, boosting long-term engagement and visibility in Instagram's algorithm.

Social Media Post Breakdown

This Barbie Is…

  • Significant reach (8.5K accounts) and strong engagement (13.7%), demonstrating its impact.

  • Led to 22 new followers and over 100 profile visits, proving its effectiveness in audience growth and brand visibility.

  • High number of shares (94) and saves (92) suggests this content resonated beyond the initial audience, making it valuable for long-term engagement.

    Which Little Miss Are You

  • Reached 1.5K accounts and drove high engagement relative to its reach (9.1%), showing that it resonated well with its audience.

  • The 33 saves and 20 shares suggest strong value, while 12 external link taps and 5 new followers indicate that it successfully drove action beyond the platform.

    Did you know [this song] was produced by [producer name] who also produced [song credits]?


  • Effectively engaged the existing audience while reaching new viewers. The 10.2% non-follower views indicate growth potential, and profile visits suggest audience interest in the creator behind the content.

  • High likes and saves show strong content resonance, making it a valuable post for both engagement and brand visibility.

    Ester Dean

  • Performed well in engaging an existing audience, with high likes (236) and a solid engagement rate (5%). Profile visits and external link taps indicate interest in exploring further.

    Nova Wav

  • Solid engagement rate (6.2%), meaning the content resonated well. Likes (184) and shares (14) show effective engagement with audience.


  • Strong home feed visibility (1,280 impressions). The high follower engagement (90.6%) means it resonated with the existing audience.

What is A Mastering Engineer? (Music Industry 101)

  • Strong engagement rate (6%), showing that the audience found it valuable. High save numbers (63) and 19 external link taps suggest that people were interested enough to return to the content or explore further.

  • The 18.4% non-follower reach is great for expanding audience growth.

Affirmations For Female Producers

  • Solid engagement rate of 11.9%, showing strong audience interaction. High saves (98) and shares (78) suggest valuable and shareable content. While most reach came from followers (90.1%), the 10 new followers gained indicates audience expansion.

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Share Your Music (And Why You Should)

  • High visibility (6,093 views) and strong engagement (410 interactions). The 99 saves and 28 shares indicate the content was valuable and shareable.

  • 20% non-follower reach suggests the post had discoverability beyond the existing audience.

    What Is The Best Music Streaming Platform For Artists?

  • Strong non-follower reach (44.3%), making it an easily discoverable post.

  • High number of saves (60) and shares (28) indicate valuable content that people wanted to keep or pass along.

    Some Stats For When People Say… “Women Have Equality In The Industry”

  • Highest reach and visibility, especially among non-followers (69.1%), making it a huge discovery win!

  • High number of shares (257) and saves (155) show strong content value, while 31 new followers indicate audience growth.